Visit k-state.eduKansas State University | K-State
Global rank | 3 749 |
Daily visitors | 28.3K |
Daily pageviews | 65.1K |
Pageviews per user | 2.3 |
Rating | |
Status | Online |
Latest check | |
Category | Educational Instit... |
Countable Data Brief
K-state.edu is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 8 459 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from USA, where it reached as high as 2 612 position. It was owned by several entities, from Kansas State University Information Technology Services to Kansas State University, it was hosted by Kansas State University, Amazon.com Inc. and others.
K-state has a high Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that K-state.edu is moderately ‘socialized’ in respect to Google+ shares (8.09K), Facebook shares (4.02K) and Twitter mentions (1). According to MyWot and Google safe browsing analytics, K-state.edu is a fully trustworthy domain with mostly positive visitor reviews.
Compare With Competitors
View the key web metrics of K-state.edu, such as ranks, visitors and social engagement, in comparison with the stats of thematically similar sites.
Worldwide Audience
Compare it to ...K-state.edu gets 64.5% of its traffic from USA where it is ranked #9131.
Top Countries
USA | 64.5% | |
India | 6.2% | |
Pakistan | 1.9% | |
Australia | 1.2% |
Top Ranks
USA | 9 131 | |
Pakistan | 32 323 | |
Australia | 44 984 | |
India | 73 601 |
Traffic Analysis
Compare it to ...K-state.edu has 28.3K visitors and 65.1K pageviews daily.
Similar Traffic Stats
rank | visitors / pageviews |
3747 |
31.4K / 59.6K |
3748 |
491K / 2.75M |
3749 |
28.3K / 65.1K |
3750 |
18.7K / 20.6K |
3751 |
18.2K / 20.1K |
Subdomains Traffic Shares
Signin.k-state.edu is the most popular subdomain of K-state.edu with 17.40% of its total traffic.
Top Subdomains
signin.k-state.edu | 17.40% | |
hhs.k-state.edu | 5.93% | |
online.k-state.edu | 3.51% | |
courses.k-state.edu | 2.82% | |
other | 15.22% |
This Domain
SEO Stats
Compare it to ...K-state.edu has Google PR 7 and its top keyword is "kansas state university" with 4.91% of search traffic.
Homepage Top Backlinks PR
k-state.com | 6 |
phys.ksu.edu | 6 |
engg.ksu.edu | 5 |
math.ksu.edu | 5 |
ome.ksu.edu | 5 |
Top Keywords % of search traffic
kansas state university | 4.91% |
kansas state university webmail | 1.72% |
kinesiology | 1.34% |
kansas state | 1.20% |
ksu |
Domain Registration Data
Compare it to ...K-state.edu domain is owned by Kansas State University and its registration expires in 55 years.
General Get more K-state.edu whois history
Kansas State University Owner since April 23, 2012 |
55 years ago Expired on January 01, 1970 |
27 years old Created on May 02, 1997 |
8 months ago Changed at June 04, 2024 |
Registrar and Status
Registar | EDUCASE |
In Other TLDs
- 1. k-state.com
Server Information
Compare it to ...K-state.edu is hosted by Amazon.com, Inc.
IP Whois Get more K-state.edu server history
Amazon.com, Inc.
IP address
Server Technologies
Apache HTTP Server
Backend server
DNS Records
- ns-1.ksu.edu
- ns-2.ksu.edu
- ns-3.ksu.edu
host | value | ttl |
k-state.edu | |
177 |
k-state.edu | |
177 |
host | value | ttl | pri |
k-state.edu | kstate-edu0c.mail.protection.outlook.com |
2076 | 0 |
host | value | ttl |
k-state.edu | ns-1.ksu.edu |
300 |
k-state.edu | ns-2.ksu.edu |
300 |
k-state.edu | ns-3.ksu.edu |
300 |
host | value | ttl |
k-state.edu | Mname: ns-1.ksu.edu |
300 |
host | value | ttl |
k-state.edu | Txt: e2ma-verification=39ngb |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: docusign=a4900f33-e1c3-47ec-b222-7b191e616975 |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: 7d3ef18628d8d437bd13d459e3af296caf331830d7204a8e4b |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: docusign=1087b74b-d55e-4662-be5c-99b3164073d0 |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: atlassian-domain-verification=ObS4hJCAaArQWYK4LMenWwezcxgxURCb2i0qziKOPgDQS9ceGJV/Eu7n1lvaXhqK |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: google-site-verification=rni7AlTEjKeTvx-fYeTSFX5k4W4QwbhyVNJfsG2XFI0 |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: google-site-verification=OWJ3U2sxVoMnJUuNNVsjJp7-jMGJod7c7kO9D03xc40 |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: 00 ORG-name: Kansas State University |
300 |
k-state.edu | Txt: v=spf1 ip4: ip4: include:spf.protection.outlook.com ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: include:spf.mailjet.com include:_spf.qualtrics.com include:spf.constantcontact.com include:aspmx.pardot.com include:cust-spf.cashnet.com include:_spf.audienceview.net include:_spf.mediasite.com -all exp=failspf.ksu.edu |
300 |
Compare it to ...Safety status of K-state.edu is described as follows: MyWOT reports its overall reputation as excellent, Google Safe Browsing reports its status as safe, while users provide mostly positive reviews (100%).
Get more K-state.edu reviews
Overall reputation | Excellent |
Trustworthiness | Excellent |
Privacy | Excellent |
Child safety | Excellent |
Google Safe Browsing
Website status | Safe |
Status | ok |
User reviews
Reputation | Unknown | |
6 positive0 negative |
Social Engagement
Compare it to ...K-state.edu has 0% of its total traffic coming from social networks (in last 3 months) and the most active engagement is detected in Google+ (8.09K pluses)
Social Metrics Get more K-state.edu social history
of total traffic in last 3 months is social4
Facebook likes4.02K
Facebook shares1
Twitter mentions8.09K
Google pluses17
LinkedIn mentions0
Pinterest pins77
StumbleUpon views