Visit fff.frGlobal rank | 16 049 |
Daily visitors | 28.9K |
Daily pageviews | 92.6K |
Pageviews per user | 3.2 |
Rating | |
Status | Online |
Latest check | |
Category | Sports |
Countable Data Brief
Fff.fr is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 4 879 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from France, where it reached as high as 178 position. It was owned by several entities, from FFFF5-FRNIC to FEDERATION FRANCAISE FOOTBALL - FFF, it was hosted by LA POSTE, Amazon.com Inc. and others.
Fff has a high Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that Fff.fr is moderately ‘socialized’ in respect to Facebook shares (42.7K), Google+ shares (1.60K) and Twitter mentions (1). According to MyWot and Google safe browsing analytics, Fff.fr is a fully trustworthy domain with mostly positive visitor reviews.
Worldwide Audience
Compare it to ...Fff.fr gets 86.8% of its traffic from France where it is ranked #564.
Top Countries
France | 86.8% | |
Morocco | 0.6% |
Top Ranks
France | 564 | |
Morocco | 19 387 |
Traffic Analysis
Compare it to ...Fff.fr has 28.9K visitors and 92.6K pageviews daily.
Similar Traffic Stats
rank | visitors / pageviews |
16047 |
46.2K / 314K |
16048 |
380K / 1.79M |
16049 |
28.9K / 92.6K |
16050 |
545 / 545 |
16051 |
5.23K / 5.23K |
Subdomains Traffic Shares
Footclubs.fff.fr is the most popular subdomain of Fff.fr with 11.36% of its total traffic.
Top Subdomains
footclubs.fff.fr | 11.36% | |
laurafoot.fff.fr | 8.58% | |
lyon-rhone.fff.fr | 5.54% | |
billetterie.fff.fr | 4.83% | |
other | 23.59% |
This Domain
SEO Stats
Compare it to ...Fff.fr has Google PR 6 and its top keyword is "fff" with 24.31% of search traffic.
Google PR-
Yandex CYHomepage Top Backlinks PR
licra.org | 6 |
link4u.fr | 4 |
france-paralympique.fr | 4 |
betclic.fr | 4 |
absolute-referencement.com | 4 |
Top Keywords % of search traffic
fff | 24.31% |
fff.fr | |
ffff |
Domain Registration Data
Compare it to ...Fff.fr domain is owned by FEDERATION FRANCAISE FOOTBALL - FFF and its registration expires in 54 years.
General Get more Fff.fr whois history
54 years ago Expired on January 01, 1970 |
26 years old Created on October 20, 1998 |
5 months ago Changed at July 12, 2024 |
Registrar and Status
Registar | AFNIC |
Sponsor | GANDI |
Status |
In Other TLDs
- 1. fff.org
- 2. fff.com.vn
- 3. fff.at
- 4. fff.or.jp
- 5. fff.to
Server Information
Compare it to ...Fff.fr is hosted by Amazon.com, Inc.
IP Whois Get more Fff.fr server history
Amazon.com, Inc.
IP address
Server Technologies
No data
DNS Records
- ns-114-b.gandi.net
- ns-70-a.gandi.net
- ns-84-c.gandi.net
host | value | ttl |
fff.fr | |
300 |
host | value | ttl |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 | |
fff.fr | 300 |
host | value | ttl | pri |
fff.fr | mxa-003fb101.gslb.pphosted.com |
600 | 10 |
fff.fr | mxb-003fb101.gslb.pphosted.com |
600 | 10 |
host | value | ttl |
fff.fr | ns-84-c.gandi.net |
10800 |
fff.fr | ns-114-b.gandi.net |
10800 |
fff.fr | ns-70-a.gandi.net |
10800 |
host | value | ttl |
fff.fr | Mname: ns1.gandi.net |
10800 |
host | value | ttl |
fff.fr | Txt: brevo-code:5285c0c781c2eda170349bc47829200f |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: brevo-code:6cfe245b799dbaaaa0fb9d7d8ae0cb9a |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: brevo-code:700e9094fdb3883d8561799a7b98b5b8 |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: facebook-domain-verification=hv9wxiwabfyv7mj13pqaqxoeai5sxz |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: google-site-verification=-IPwjR7xxw1_IfCRv9tcpaaARomLIw2ejkaGHjB_eLo |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: v=spf1 include:%{ir}.%{v}.%{d}.spf.has.pphosted.com ~all |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: workplace-domain-verification=055dab35-89cd-4cd7-ac2e-cae9202e207e |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: 94hxwoS+2Jt5bjyMlLqYIiBNmDKLSk26+Vij4tTOdVc= |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: Y2GPBOJnpMOQVHR3nP7I0j2RLPsjipt67+GZq8ovVTjUfd1Jm5zg9tW+LNBqFpEL2lWw4uX6cbxPqxTb5yDm4w== |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: _globalsign-domain-verification=ByZPMF4VqigyeYT_ArZzlJ8lZsukzEaDeaoYBih8By |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: _globalsign-domain-verification=cTe4yUdVrNcMM_KS34Cxwsr9Bciaro8Ju84gDi2SUB |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: _globalsign-domain-verification=oho8NWcNf1W_ndoAEVmhpyIHZVDGJKm3OiBGSsm88P |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: _globalsign-domain-verification=oogP6dC6ejgywq4xcbjRIOkburyaYaWBZ2-pEM-3oa |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: amazonses:ll3GYDk6YbCj3a35ZIE2CPruGPJc/mTVl+VOi1z4H18= |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: apple-domain-verification=mfyMi7sv71P4MGPH7Frsx9pIPGhyaOhTXf89NRU5hyw |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: apple-domain-verification=t6DNoTlkFGrLNCrJ |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: atlassian-domain-verification=4xgOmxpkmafbzWrhC5We5tzozrEaOAaO/URa/SZpyViulLkHQ/KUmsmaU7WM6cPf |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: atlassian-sending-domain-verification=0cd2ec79-9d61-4dbb-8658-f1c3cdf73cc0 |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: brevo-code:1d2cc75b95e6323f2d6e71a95729fea9 |
10800 |
fff.fr | Txt: brevo-code:46b8d5ae2820945058fc8d23ab12ee9f |
10800 |
Compare it to ...Safety status of Fff.fr is described as follows: MyWOT reports its overall reputation as excellent, Google Safe Browsing reports its status as safe, while users provide mostly positive reviews (100%).
Get more Fff.fr reviews
Overall reputation | Excellent |
Trustworthiness | Excellent |
Privacy | Excellent |
Child safety | Excellent |
Google Safe Browsing
Website status | Safe |
Status | ok |
User reviews
Reputation | Unknown | |
3 positive0 negative |
Social Engagement
Compare it to ...Fff.fr has 8.57% of its total traffic coming from social networks (in last 3 months) and the most active engagement is detected in Facebook (42.7K shares)
Social Metrics Get more Fff.fr social history
of total traffic in last 3 months is social0
Facebook likes42.7K
Facebook shares1
Twitter mentions1.60K
Google pluses196
LinkedIn mentions0
Pinterest pins81
StumbleUpon views