Visit united-domains.deGlobal rank | 4 105 |
Daily visitors | 5.69K |
Daily pageviews | 11.4K |
Pageviews per user | 2 |
Rating | |
Status | Online |
Latest check | |
Category | Software/Technolog..., Business Services |
Countable Data Brief
United-domains.de is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 3 711 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from Germany, where it reached as high as 1 037 position. All this time it was owned by united-domains AG, it was hosted by united-domains AG, united-domains AG and others.
United-domains has a high Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that United-domains.de is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to MyWot and Google safe browsing analytics, United-domains.de is a fully trustworthy domain with mostly positive visitor reviews.
Worldwide Audience
Compare it to ...United-domains.de gets 52.9% of its traffic from Germany where it is ranked #10269.
Top Countries
Germany | 52.9% | |
USA | 9.7% | |
Austria | 8.7% | |
Netherlands | 4.0% | |
Switzerland | 1.9% |
Top Ranks
Austria | 7 230 | |
Germany | 10 269 | |
Switzerland | 25 829 | |
Netherlands | 29 746 | |
USA | 189 381 |
Traffic Analysis
Compare it to ...United-domains.de has 5.69K visitors and 11.4K pageviews daily.
Similar Traffic Stats
rank | visitors / pageviews |
4103 |
16.8K / 32.0K |
4104 |
10.0K / 20.1K |
4105 |
5.69K / 11.4K |
4106 |
3.25K / 3.25K |
4107 |
5.26K / 5.26K |
Subdomains Traffic Shares
United-domains.de has no subdomains with considerable traffic.
SEO Stats
Compare it to ...United-domains.de has Google PR 6 and its top keyword is "united domains" with 14.99% of search traffic.
Google PR-
Yandex CYHomepage Top Backlinks PR
12m.de | 5 |
africanlawlibrary.net | 5 |
activemind.ag | 4 |
ahr-resort.de | 3 |
ah-promotion.de | 3 |
Top Keywords % of search traffic
united domains | 14.99% |
whois | 5.11% |
domain kaufen | 4.81% |
united domains whois | 3.88% |
domain check | 3.55% |
Domain Registration Data
Compare it to ...United-domains.de domain is owned by united-domains AG and its registration expires in 54 years.
General Get more United-domains.de whois history
united-domains AG Owner since April 09, 2011 |
54 years ago Expired on January 01, 1970 |
54 years old Created on January 01, 1970 |
3 years ago Changed at June 21, 2021 |
Registrar and Status
Registar | DENIC eG |
Status |
connect |
In Other TLDs
Similar Domain Names
Server Information
Compare it to ...United-domains.de uses WordPress CMS and is hosted by united-domains AG.
IP Whois Get more United-domains.de server history
united-domains AG
IP address
Server Technologies
DNS Records
- ns.udag.de
- ns.udag.net
- ns.udag.org
host | value | ttl |
united-domains.de | |
296 |
host | value | ttl |
united-domains.de | 600 | |
united-domains.de | 600 | |
united-domains.de | 600 | |
united-domains.de | 600 | |
united-domains.de | 600 | |
united-domains.de | 600 |
host | value | ttl | pri |
united-domains.de | smxint2.united-domains.de |
600 | 10 |
united-domains.de | smxint1.united-domains.de |
600 | 10 |
united-domains.de | smxint3.united-domains.de |
3600 | 100 |
host | value | ttl |
united-domains.de | ns.udag.org |
86400 |
united-domains.de | ns.udag.de |
86400 |
united-domains.de | ns.udag.net |
86400 |
host | value | ttl |
united-domains.de | Mname: ns.udag.de |
86400 |
host | value | ttl |
united-domains.de | Txt: MS=ms51440287 |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: p8t5rtswr34q8rn19whz5k60v5vdr2z6 |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: w4pl30pwb2w8jrdvz2wqytv707yz607j |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: v=spf1 a:united-domains.managed-otrs.com ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: include:26062152.spf07.hubspotemail.net include:spf.key-systems.net include:_spf.google.com include:spf.dixa.io -all |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: google-site-verification=_6kh3mGJ33fAgARQjhMd56ezG5gULvImmLloSV4tD6A |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: google-site-verification=oNF4AsgJCxi6vIPPPBNllo6iil1rnkmZgQulOWMjLJ4 |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: google-site-verification=PK740yL3nFNEVJ3IN8zSYz1ZWOt7oYNg7utOzGps6Yg |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: google-site-verification=1mRO6IITyX8Ug1NgmRHFVbcgjcqnQjZegsU2uChCJko |
86400 |
united-domains.de | Txt: knowbe4-site-verification=ea92e091b44a2e728b98725e65e73528 |
86400 |
Compare it to ...Safety status of United-domains.de is described as follows: MyWOT reports its overall reputation as excellent, Google Safe Browsing reports its status as safe, while users provide mostly positive reviews (82%).
Get more United-domains.de reviews
Overall reputation | Excellent |
Trustworthiness | Excellent |
Privacy | Excellent |
Child safety | Excellent |
Google Safe Browsing
Website status | Safe |
Status | ok |
User reviews
Reputation | Positive | |
82% positive18% negative |
Social Engagement
Compare it to ...United-domains.de has 5.67% of its total traffic coming from social networks (in last 3 months) and the most active engagement is detected in Facebook (931 shares)
Social Metrics Get more United-domains.de social history
of total traffic in last 3 months is social2
Facebook likes931
Facebook shares0
Twitter mentions635
Google pluses30
LinkedIn mentions0
Pinterest pins6
StumbleUpon views